Dean Edward Riggs

“Whatever your vice is, whatever addiction you have, we will not only conquer it, we will control and harness this energy, forcing it to decimate any and all obstacles standing between you and your best life.”

My Story

As a young man, I competed in high level sports and auto racing, had good relationships with family and friends, skills and opportunity to live an elite lifestyle. 

Slowly, alcohol began to replace all of these things, even took over my identity. I was no longer attached to driving race cars and achieving in life, those were just things I did when I wasn’t doing what I really wanted to do, which was drink.

I would take jobs far away from my loved ones, that might expect something from me. Using the distance to hide from my problems and continue to surrender to impulse and destruction. 

I would much rather be drunk, than attempt to clear my head. I didn’t want a clear head. Eventually I was able to come to my senses and put down the bottle, but that was only the beginning of my return to the path of righteous endeavor. 

Unbeknownst to me at the time, the self-destruction had taken it’s toll, I had given myself a disease called Avascular Necrosis of the hips. Several years of near disability later, I had my first total hip replacement at the age of 30. 

Now at 38 I am in the best shape of my life, and have been able to harness the focus and resourcefulness that was once destructive, to accomplish whatever I set my mind to. 

Whatever your vice is, whatever addiction you have, we will not only conquer it, we will control and harness this energy, forcing it to decimate any and all obstacles standing between you and your best life.